Adventure Lights: UDRC Beach Landing Zone (BLZ), 4 Light System

Item Number: ALI 98315
Your Price: Call for Pricing

The remote can be used to control one light or several lights at a time and has a range with its standard transmitter of over 1 mile. The standard transmitter can also be attached to high gain antennas repeaters and / or amplifiers to increase its range.

Our U.D.R.C systems function as a portable runway-in-briefcase for emergency landings of all sorts. They come ready to set-up with all necessary batteries and equipment in a watertight and waterproof protective NANUCK case. We have several systems designed to meet the needs of various types of airfields: landing zones, drop zones, helicopter landing zones and beach head marking systems.

The Beach Landing Zone kit inlcudes four VIPIR lights. (Picture may be innaccurate)

The remote can be used to switch on our lights, both visual and infrared, and is ideal for marking landing zones and drop zones. There are also numerous other applications using our lights or other apparatus. The unit has been used in the recent theatres of operation by special forces with great success.