Infidel Body Armor 10x12" Front and Back plates (set)
Item Number: INF IBA 10X12 SET
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When a Crisis hits this is the armor you want to be wearing. Durable, and capable of stopping all common North American rifle, shotgun, and pistol rounds. Plus, IBA tested the armor with penetrator 5.56 ammunition, and it barely dented it!
This armor is BETTER than AR500 steel. Why? It's 10% stronger and in side-by-side testing, it outperformed AR500 steel when the rifle was fired within 15 feet or closer. Why not use AR600 (or higher)? When the steel gets too hard, it becomes brittle. Our testing has confirmed that AR550 is the hardest steel that can still be formed (bent) and retain incredible hardness.
Oregon Ballistic Laboratories, an NIJ-approved independent test facility, tests our plates. Here are the results:

Stops: M-855 Ball, 5.56, 7.62x39, 7.62x51, 30-06, .357 mag, .45 cal, 9mm, 12 Gauge Shotgun slugs, and more. All of these rounds were fired from semi-auto AR-15s, AK-47s, MAK-90s, bolt action Rifles, Glocks, Revolvers, and pump shotguns. Complies with MIL-46100 Rev E. for class 1 armor and passed the test against a 30 Caliber Armor-Piercing bullet at 2426 fps as tested at the US Aberdeen Test Center and complies with NIJ STD 0108.01
These 10x12" plates are formed from 1/4" Abrasion Resistant Brinell Hardness 550 steel (AR550), the same variety used by the military in armored vehicles. Each piece is laser cut and bent it in a 50 ton press that conforms to the human torso. After preparing the metal, a special 1/4" polymer coating is added that serves to trap bullet fragments (Full thickness/buildup).
The standard 10x12 size fits most plate carriers.
Each steel plate weighs 7.5 lb and the anti-shrapnel (sometimes called spall) coating adds an additional 1.5 lb. These are a little heavier than ceramic or ESAPI plates, but MUCH more durable. These plates are STANDALONE (no backer required).